Le marché de la réforme islamique

This article analyzes on a sociological level the reception of Islamic reformist thought in the Euro-American space from the 1990s. Particular attention is paid to the social properties of reformers and the attributes that define their intellectual vocations. The objective is to construct a “space of biographical possibilities” that unfolds in a transnational geographical space; and to illustrate the way in which this Euro-American reception favors the circulation of individuals and references. Within this framework, the concept of market allows us to illustrate the social dynamics with which Muslim reformers respond to different specific demands. In order to characterize this transnational intellectual space, a brief historical review is sketched in order to better understand the ramifications of Muslim reformism as well as the particularities of its contemporary form. Then, a prosopographical study of the main intellectual producers of this space allows us to analyze the modalities through which their Islamity is mobilized, and this in different fields of intervention.

This content has been updated on 18 May 2023 at 12 h 10 min.