Firm patenting and types of innovation. An empirical investigation on patenting determinants in developing countries
Amdaoud, M., Hanel, P. et Le Bas, C. (2022). Firm patenting and types of innovation. An empirical investigation on patenting determinants in developing countries. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-20.
The literature has accumulated numerous pieces of evidence and trends as far as developed countries’ firm patenting is concerned. To date only a small amount of information concerning developing countries’ firm patenting is available. This paper contributes to the literature by accounting for the determinants of firm patenting in developing countries. The core assumption of this paper is that the occurrence of firm patenting is positively related to innovation strategies. As a result, we place the emphasis on the diverse ways to innovate and we identify their effects on a firm’s probability to patent. Our findings indicate that despite the weaknesses of the patenting systems in developing countries, the probability to patent an innovation occurs when it is new to the market type, whether it is a product or a process (after controlling for many other effects).
This content has been updated on 4 May 2022 at 10 h 22 min.