La Correspondance entre des caractéristiques sociodémographiques de professeur·e·s universitaires canadiens sur la collaboration et la coécriture de publications avec des collègues internationaux

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This article aims to assess among Canadian university professors 1) the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, citizenship, parental education, language, province) and collaboration and the co-writing of publications with international colleagues, and 2) the relationship between the collaboration with international colleagues and the co-writing publications with international colleagues. Statistical analysis of questionnaire responses (N = 2738) suggests that socio-demographic characteristics have a low magnitude, although significant, effect on collaboration and co-writing of publications with international colleagues and that there is an interaction between these two variables. We will discuss the impact of professional characteristics on collaborating and co-authoring publications with international colleagues later.

This content has been updated on 29 March 2023 at 10 h 57 min.