La figure du médecin dans le théâtre grand-guignol d’André de Lorde et Alfred Binet (1905-1928)

This paper focuses on the representations of doctors and medicine in the grand guignol plays originating in the collaboration between the playwright André de Lorde (1869-1942) and the psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911). After explaining the context that led to the constitution of this original theatrical duo, the paper reveals the double figure of medicine it promoted. Torn between care for his patients and the progress of science, the lordo-binetien doctor epitomises the ambivalent relationship of the Belle Époque with a medical science and a medical profession then in rapid development and whose power was giving rise to as many hopes as anxieties.

This content has been updated on 27 August 2020 at 10 h 45 min.