Le processus d’internationalisation des cégeps : une analyse historique et géopolitique

The internationalization of technical education institutions is influenced by the  local  geopolitical  context  (Gallagher  &  Dennison,  1995).  This  study  ana-lyzes the evolution of international activities and organizational strategies tak-ing  place  in  Quebec’s  collèges  d’enseignement  general  et  professionnel  (CE-GEPs)  between  2000  and  2014,  in  order  to  identify  the  internationalization  phase (Raby & Valeau, 2007) and assess the influence of Quebec’s geopolitical context. The data come from four surveys conducted by CEGEP International (2000,  2005,  2010)  and  the  Federation  of  CEGEPs  (2014),  and  they  show  a growth  of  all  international  activities,  but  a  decline  in  organization  strategies between 2010 and 2014. We formulate the hypothesis that CEGEPs have entered a fifth and post-institutionalization phase that we called “disper-sion”. A community of practice including the Government of Quebec, CEGEPs and the Federation of CEGEPs would have contributed to the growth of inter-national  activities,  and  recent  changes  in  the  government’s  policy  emphasis  could explain the decline in CEGEPs’ organizational strategies.

This content has been updated on 15 July 2019 at 15 h 45 min.