Quelle place pour les femmes francophones dans l’histoire des savoirs infirmiers au Québec ? L’exemple du nursing psychiatrique à Montréal (1912-1963)

This paper aims to demonstrate the major role played by Francophone women in the building and the transmission of psychiatric knowledge in Quebec from 1912 to 1963. In order to do this, it follows the path of a nun, Sister Augustine, director of nursing in the Hôpital Saint- Jean-de-Dieu, the biggest asylum in Quebec, and a laic nurse, Charlotte Tassé, director and owner of the Institut Albert-Prévost, an important healthcare and training centre located at the north of the Island of Montreal. Against a psychiatric, but also feminist, historiography that send nurses and nuns back to their subaltern positions, this paper campaigns for their acknowledgement and reintegration into the history of knowledge in Quebec.

This content has been updated on 10 December 2021 at 10 h 02 min.