Frontières, visées et spécialisation de la géographie : les habitus disciplinaires dans la Revue canadienne de géographie et les Cahiers de géographie de Québec (1947-1964)

Based on the principle that scientific journals constitute a key site for the establishment of disciplinary norms, this paper examines the prevalence of approaches to the discipline of geography in two of its central journals in Quebec. The study of texts published between 1947 and 1964 in the Revue canadienne de géographie and in the Cahiers de géographie de Québec calls attention to certain disciplinary concerns, the highlighting of which contributes to a history of the institutionalization of geography in Quebec French-speaking universities. In this regard, three different levels of relationship can be delimited, namely geography seen as: 1) a cultural complement and an ideal of synthesis; 2) a corpus of knowledge useful to society; 3) a “scientific” discipline, revealing a rupture between generations.

This content has been updated on 2 June 2022 at 14 h 10 min.