Hegel au Québec : sur les traces d’une réception philosophique

On the basis of first-hand materials, interviews with experts and personal archives on university education, this paper retraces the evolution of the reception of Hegel in Quebec. The article is divided into two parts: the first seeks, in the teaching of philosophy at the turn of the twentieth century to the 1960s, the traces of Hegelian thought; the second evaluates the place of the philosopher in contemporary research since that time. We first look at the teaching of philosophy. It is through minor sources, on the margins of dedicated textbooks, that we find an intellectual life that evolves despite the dominant orthodoxy of Thomist thought. The study of Hegel’s reception then makes it possible to question the historiography that tends to hypostatize the tutelary power of scholastic over teaching. The reworking of education following the apostolic constitution of 1931, the postwar boom and the massification of education that accompanied the many reforms of the 1960s, transformed the university space. Through contemporary uses, we look at two intellectual figures who have appropriated the philosopher in a singular way: George Di Giovanni and Michel Freitag.

This content has been updated on 13 December 2022 at 15 h 30 min.