Peer-reviewed articles Claudine Bonneau
Bonneau, C., Aroles, J. et Estagnasié, C. (2022). Romanticisation and monetisation of the digital nomad lifestyle: The role played by online narratives in shaping professional identity work. Organization, 30(1), 65-88.
Aroles, J., Bonneau, C. et Bhankaraully, S. (2022). Conceptualising ‘Meta-Work’ in the Context of Continuous, Global Mobility: The Case of Digital Nomadism. Work, Employment and Society, 095001702110697.
Aroles, J., Bonneau, C. et Bhankaraully, S. (2022). Conceptualising ‘Meta-Work’ in the Context of Continuous, Global Mobility: The Case of Digital Nomadism. Work, Employment and Society.
Estagnasié, C., Vásquez, C. et Bonneau, C. (2022). Créer du sens à distance : une lecture weickienne des pratiques de travail de résilience en période pandémique. Ad machina, (5), 107-128.
Bonneau, C., Bourdeau, S. (2019). Computer-supported collaboration: Simulation-based training using LEGO. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-21.
Bonneau, C. et Enel, L. (2018). Caractériser le méta-travail des nomades numériques : un préalable à l’identification des compétences requises. Lien social et Politiques, (81), 138-155.
Sergi, V. et Bonneau, C. (2016). Making mundane work visible on social media: a CCO investigation of working out loud on Twitter. Communication Research and Practice, 2(3), 378-406.
Floricel, S., Bonneau, C., Aubry, M. et Sergi, V. (2014). Extending project management research: insight from social theories. International Journal of Project Management, 32(7), 1091-1107.