Publications Laurent Jodoin
Peer-reviewed articles
Mang-Benza, C., Jodoin, L., Onibon Doubogan, Y., Gaye, I. et Kola, E. (2023). Making energy justice work for women in rural sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative diagnostic from Benin, Senegal, and Togo. Energy Policy, 173, 2022.113345.
Gafa, D. W., Egbendewe, A. Y. G. et Jodoin, L. (2022). Operationalizing affordability criterion in energy justice: Evidence from rural West Africa. Energy Economics, 109.
Jodoin, L. (2021). A Justification of the Probabilistic Explanation of the Entropy Principle. Philosophy of Science. Volume 88(2)
Jodoin, L. (2021). Let capabilities ring: Operationalizing energy justice in Guinea. Energy Research & Social Science. Volume 72.
Jodoin, L. (2020). Nordhaus on philosophy in climate change economics. The Journal of Philosophical Economics: Reflections on Economic and Social Issues, 23(2), 81-90.
Jodoin, L. (2019). L'objectivité scientifique à l'ère de la post-vérité. Metascience, 1.
Book chapters